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1 August 2007 Local above-ground persistence of vascular plants: Life-history trade-offs and environmental constraints
Wim A. Ozinga, Stephan M. Hennekens, Joop H. J. Schaminée, Nina A. C. Smits, Renée M. Bekker, Christine Römermann, Leoš Klimeš, Jan P. Bakker, Jan M. van Groenendael
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Questions: 1. Which plant traits and habitat characteristics best explain local above-ground persistence of vascular plant species and 2. Is there a trade-off between local above-ground persistence and the ability for seed dispersal and below-ground persistence in the soil seed bank?

Locations: 845 long-term permanent plots in terrestrial habitats across the Netherlands.

Methods: We analysed the local above-ground persistence of vascular plants in permanent plots (monitored once a year for ca. 16 year) with respect to functional traits and habitat preferences using survival statistics (Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox' regression). These methods account for censored data and are rarely used in vegetation ecology.

Results: Local above-ground persistence is determined by both functional traits (especially the ability to form long-lived clonal connections) and habitat preferences (especially nutrient requirements). Above-ground persistence is negatively related to the ability for dispersal by wind and to the ability to accumulate a long-term persistent soil seed bank (‘dispersal through time’) and is positively related to the ability for dispersal by water.

Conclusions: Most species have a half-life expectation over 15 years, which may contribute to time lags after changes in habitat quality or -configuration (‘extinction debt’). There is evidence for a trade-off relationship between local above-ground persistence and below-ground seed persistence, while the relationship with dispersal in space is vector specific. The rate of species turnover increases with productivity.

Nomenclature: van der Meijden (1990).

Wim A. Ozinga, Stephan M. Hennekens, Joop H. J. Schaminée, Nina A. C. Smits, Renée M. Bekker, Christine Römermann, Leoš Klimeš, Jan P. Bakker, and Jan M. van Groenendael "Local above-ground persistence of vascular plants: Life-history trade-offs and environmental constraints," Journal of Vegetation Science 18(4), 489-497, (1 August 2007).[489:LAPOVP]2.0.CO;2
Received: 9 May 2006; Accepted: 15 January 2007; Published: 1 August 2007

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clonal growth
dispersal ability
extinction debt
Long-term ecological research
permanent plot
Soil seed bank longevity
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